The City of Moorhead MN road constructionsays work is being made on the large construction project along Southeast Main Avenue, 20th Street, and 21st Street, despite the fact that it may not be seen from the road. The concrete bridge decks for two bridges over 21st Street, one for BNSF Railway train traffic and the other for Otter Tail Valley Railroad train traffic, have been completed, according to project officials. In addition, a storm water pumping station has been completed.
The Otter Tail Valley Railroad track has been completed and is ready to use. Trains on the BNSF will continue to run on a temporary track until the end of October, when the permanent track should be installed.
About 70% of the excavation has been finished, and around 69,000 feet of structural support piling has been laid, accounting for roughly 69 percent of the total contract value.
Some project additions may also be visible in the neighborhood, aiming at making the construction labor a little more bearable. To assist reduce noise, temporary hay bales are being replaced with sound dampening curtains.
Following the completion of the BNSF permanent track in late October/early November, a second round of night construction is scheduled.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Flood Damage Reduction Grant program has awarded the City of Moorhead funds to build Phase 1 of the North Moorhead Flood Mitigation project. At the City Council meeting on August 26, 2019, the construction bid for the project was awarded.
In 2017, the City of Moorhead began a planning and preliminary engineering study of the Center Ave Corridor between the Red River and 8th Street. In 2022, the City has a project planned to repair this Corridor.
In 2013, the city collaborated with Metro COG and MnDOT to perform a study of the project corridor. The 2013 Corridor Study examined multiple corridors, including Highway 10, Highway 75, and Center Ave. The 2017-2018 study re-evaluated alternatives included in the 2013 Corridor Study, as well as some additional alternatives, to ensure the corridor is examined using a complete streets approach, which considers all modes of transportation, existing and proposed development, overall corridor safety for all users, and options to improve corridor aesthetics.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Moorhead are now collaborating on the underpass project's layout and environmental paperwork. Two grade separations of Highway 10/75 under the BNSF rail lines, asphalt, ADA improvements, utility repairs, and signal upgrades are all part of the project. Multiple rail lines split Moorhead, and this project improves safety and mobility by removing crossing bottlenecks caused by heavy rail traffic.